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Visualizzazione post con etichetta lingerie. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 18 giugno 2013

"Wild Wild West Party" close ups

"Nina" pinup close ups

Click here to see a tutorial showing how vector techniques 
can help to better render a vintage bra like this one. 
If interested, check it out. Hope you dig it.

Click here to see close ups of the aircraft.

"Nina" aircraft close ups

Some close ups on the aircraft. Given the nature of the project, 
the planes are as important as the pinups and I tried to put the most care 
that I could doing them, in so far as timing allowed, also I did not exactly 
copy the photo however, on many details as rivets, lines and such, 
I followed references not exactly but only as general impression.

Click here to see close ups of the pinup.